
Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Compositions

Rainy morning!(smile), today, I want to share to you, my favorite past time (aside from being an "ONLINE ADDICT")(laugh) -- composing songs and playing guitar, ever since my mom bought me my first guitar, I felt that there's something with me && the music, it was like, we are connected to each other or let's state it this way -- we were together since i came out of this world(laugh). Since then it became my PASSION, when I'm squealed up, in grief, blank, happy, sad, alone or whatever, just out from the air, realizing I've started jotting down many words on the pad and after awhile, when I'm relieved, I've already completed a song, then a little revision and arrangements, I'm DONE!(weird) so for now I will let you see some of my compositions, I just provided some home videos, because it's so tiring talking here(L.O.L).



Song to a friend

Those are the videos I made, so hope you like it (smile).

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